This is my first post on this blog but I won't bore you with silly facts about myself! If you're interested, there is an FAQs page with a bit of information about me in it. Remember to check out my other social networking sites too which can be found in the side-bar to the right.
Last night on October 30th 2013 I went to a Jessie J concert at the O2 Arena in London. She was amazing and so inspirational that I shed a tear when she sang Nobody's Perfect. The supporting acts were two I'd never listened to but went straight home and followed them on YouTube, Twitter and Instagram! They were Olivia Somerlyn and Lawson and I'm in love with them both now!
There are lots of photos on both my Twitter and Instagram if you'd like to check them out but here's one where I'm looking a bit crazy! I was so ecstatic after arriving home so excuse the faces haha! I'm holding the concert program that I bought while I was there and it's fabulous!
I tweeted the acts to say thank you and the beautiful Olivia Somerlyn replied to me - so naturally I went into fan girl mode! So today I have been listening to a mix of Jessie J, Olivia Somerlyn and Lawson whilst working!
Today is Halloween but I plan on staying home and watching loads of Halloween specials on TV! I'm so behind on all my favourite programs at the moment - I still haven't watched the Pretty Little Liars Halloween special, so no spoilers please!
What's everyone going as for Halloween? I went to a character party on Saturday and was...a cat. Not very original, I know, but I came back from visiting Monaco the day before so had no time to plan! The cat I chose to impersonate was very easy I chose to be Snowball from The Simpsons - the dead one. My friend was Snowball 2 (the alive one that actually appears in the show)!
And how cute is my friend as Minnie Mouse?! It would have been a very cute best friends photo if there weren't any photo-bombers haha! It's a pretty funny photo, though.
Hope I didn't bore you too much!
Love, Lena xo